Part of our pre-awarding process in OPM is to ensure our farmers are educated even financially. They must understand what partnership means and what their responsibilities are once they enroll their farm with OPM. We are happy to gain the support of the Agriculture Training Institute of Region 13 in this endeavor, one of the Philippine Department of Agriculture’s agencies, on this two-day training before we sign contracts with the farmers. Part of what they learn is how to maximize use of their land through intercropping and a workshop on managing finances.
We look for partner farmers who really want to grow with us, after all ten years is not a short time. It’s time to eradicate poverty and usher in prosperity for farmers and OFWs alike. The road may seem long but with the government’s help, the bayanihan spirit makes the journey gratifying. Thank you in advance, Mr. Caerian Muga and Reselle of ATI. They have been quick in response to our need. You make the government proud! See you in Magkiangkang on July 10!
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