We are proud to announce that OPM, launched just last April 2016, is now ready to roll out partnership for the first twenty hectares of cacao farms constituting our first “seed cycle”. Intercropped with other agricultural products, our cacao farms will be championed by Magkiangkang farmers in Agusan Del Sur, Philippines.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to the Charter Investors – OFWs and our non-Filipino friends who put their trust and full support behind the launch, the first champions of Philippine cacao farming!
This first batch of investors will have the privilege of not only creating impact in the lives of farmers back home but they too can become “overseas-farmers”. They will have access to the farms in Agusan, to crop production and financial trainings outside of the Philippines, and to reality forums of how easy, or hard, it is to manage a farm and still work abroad. Should they choose to go full-blown farm owners-managers later on, this is essential. They will also have an advantage of finding ahead the latest business opportunities in the cacao value chain and the delicious world of chocolaterie.
We are also encouraged as the Department of Agriculture and Department of Trade and Industry in CARAGA region have pledged support to our endeavours.
This is just the sweet beginning of an exciting journey as we plan to create more opportunities for both farmers and OFWs. Cacao is just one crop while our country is blessed with a wide array of crops, and even poultry. The Philippines has thousands of hectares of agricultural lands waiting for investment.
We at OPM offer that platform to be the overseas-farmers who HELP the Philippine farmers through equitable farming. With 11 million OFWs globally, even if only 1% of this demographics takes an interest to farming, we believe that we will go closer to becoming an agricultural heavyweight. Why let only the multi-nationals or a few Filipino tycoons become even wealthier? It’s time that we claim this opportunity as ours, us OFWs and farmers.
For those who wish to participate but did not make it to the first seed cycle, the second one will open next year in February. So keep your finances in check and keep following our page for the latest developments on OPM. This is it guys! Sulong Cacao, sulong Mindanao, sulong Pilipinas!”
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